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Beautiful Desktop Background from Info Toast

We are starting a new series of tutorials, this time pertaining to minimalism and making your computer systems look pretty. We have created a beautiful desktop background that changes depending on the time, which is available here: https://infotoast.org/homepage/. Try refreshing and you can see that it shows a different image each time.

Info Toast's beautiful desktop background
Desktop background in-action

Our background cycles between various images. It also displays the date and time on the bottom-right corner.

How can a webpage be a desktop background?

There are a variety of apps that can be used to do this on different operating systems, but there are apps available that can turn a webpage into a desktop background.

Use our Beautiful Desktop Background on Mac

To do this, we will use an Open Source application called Plash, with source code available at https://github.com/sindresorhus/Plash

For the sake of this tutorial, and for updates you may want in the future, we will download from the Mac App Store

Once Plash is downloaded, it will run at startup. Simply go into the settings and provide the URL for our beautiful desktop background

Provide the link to our beautiful desktop background to Plash

Use the homepage in the Plash settings

Use our Background on Windows

NOTE: Windows Tutorial in progress. Below is the information that we have, for technical users.

Right now, we believe that our best option for configuring the wallpaper in Windows is located on this StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53014615/how-to-show-a-website-as-a-wallpaper-in-windows-10

We may also want to create a wallpaper using WallpaperEngine as our finished product. If you have never heard of WallpaperEngine, they are a great source of a variety of different wallpapers, many of which are somehow or another animated. Everything from ThioJoe’s nighttime XP wallpaper (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2585831674) to a variety of different modern wallpapers with cars and anime.

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WallpaperEngine is in no way a sponsor of Info Toast, and we are merely considering them as an option for our beautiful desktop background.

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