How to Block Ads with Unbound DNS Server
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How to Block Ads with Unbound DNS Server

Unbound is a DNS server that’s normally used in more complex environments than PiHole. If you use Linux, you may see it’s even required by many packages. Many companies use it for their own DNS servers, and it makes up much of the internet’s actual DNS infrastructure. Unbound supports complex things like DNS over TLS,…

How to Back up ZFS and Restore Data on FreeBSD
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How to Back up ZFS and Restore Data on FreeBSD

ZFS is possibly one of the best filesystems out there. Yet still, Linux is only recently getting good support for it. The real ZFS is available on UNIX, like Solaris, and for this article, FreeBSD. Because Solaris has gone under recently, FreeBSD is undoubtedly the best OS for ZFS. However, if you’re new to FreeBSD…

What Open Source License Should You Use?
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What Open Source License Should You Use?

The world of open source licensing is tough, and it can make the difference between who can use your project as well as whether your code can be stolen. Some licenses embody the principles of Open Source, where people can use your code for whatever they see fit, even if their own code is not…

How to Use Quadspinner Gaea for Minecraft
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How to Use Quadspinner Gaea for Minecraft

Something that has been floating around the Minecraft community for a while, with little documentation is Quadspinner Gaea. While Gaea gets a lot of documentation for game development, there’s not a lot out there to help with Minecraft, which is something that I believe could be fixed. Gaea is a very complex engine, but I…

Beautiful Desktop Background from Info Toast
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Beautiful Desktop Background from Info Toast

We are starting a new series of tutorials, this time pertaining to minimalism and making your computer systems look pretty. We have created a beautiful desktop background that changes depending on the time, which is available here: Try refreshing and you can see that it shows a different image each time. Our background cycles…

Moderation Online: Do The Opposite of r/Minecraft
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Moderation Online: Do The Opposite of r/Minecraft

There has recently been some controversy with the r/Minecraft subreddit, but it generally reflects on Reddit and moderation on the entire internet. I won’t go into much detail, but here is a link to the explanation if you haven’t heard about what happened already on PhoenixSC’s YouTube Video. This is not the first time something…

How to Install OpenTerrainGenerator for Minecraft 1.19
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How to Install OpenTerrainGenerator for Minecraft 1.19

OpenTerrainGenerator is one of the oldest, and most customizable world generation mods of all time. Many know that it is a fork of TerrainControl, but most don’t know that it TC itself is a fork of PhoenixTerrainMod, which is a fork of BiomeTerrain Mod, all the way back in Minecraft Alpha. This tutorial will teach…