Syntax Tree of the Execute Command
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How to Use the Execute Command in Minecraft

Using the Execute Command in Minecraft Back when I had my old YouTube channel, my most popular video of all time (it still is) is how to use the Execute command in Minecraft. Since then, the command has changed. Since I am terrible at recording videos, I have decided not to record a video as…

Just Press "Install"
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How To Install OptiFine on Chromebook

Important Note This article is outdated! There is now a better way to do this that doesn’t require rooting your Chromebook! Check out our article about installing Minecraft: Java Edition on our Chromebook here: UPDATE: How to Install Minecraft: Java Edition on a Chromebook, and if you’ve already done that, check out our article on how…

Computer Joke Photo
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Some of My Favorite Computer Jokes (And Explanations Behind Them)

My Favorite Computer Jokes This is somewhat of an odd article. I haven’t been doing much which is worth talking about recently, so I decided to lay back and do a funny article. I haven’t done one of those in a while, but there is a whole category of articles. So here are some of…

Paper, the Newest Technology in Minecraft: Java Edition Servers
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Paper, the Newest Technology in Minecraft: Java Edition Servers

Paper Server for Minecraft: Java Edition My server has pretty much always had performance issues. Even though I run my Minecraft server on my supercomputer (see The Poor Man’s Guide to Making a Supercomputer), and allocate up to 24 GB of RAM to it, it still crashes sometimes. However, that has recently ended, since I…

The Autoptimize Logo
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Plugins that Can Help You Speed Up a WordPress Site

Optimization Plugins for WordPress One of WordPress’s best features is that it is customizable. Info Toast uses WordPress to send out articles to the masses. To improve search engine visibility, we went to Google to see how the site was sped up. They suggested several plugins that we love. They enable the website to send…

An AJAX Chat
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How to Make a Live Group Chat on Your Website for Free, With No Discord

How to Install & Use Ajax Chat AJAX Chat is a relatively old innovation, and the project has been abandoned, but it still works—it doesn’t just work—it works quite well. If you want to engage with your community and have them engage with themselves, then look into AJAX Chat. In this tutorial, I will show…

Some mcMMO Features
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Best Game-Changing Minecraft Plugins

Best Game-Changing Bukkit or Spigot Plugins A while back, we did an article on the best plugins for Spigot servers. On purpose, we didn’t do anything that could change the game too much because we wanted the plugins to be applicable to just about every type of server. However, in this article, we will be…